Elections, Representation, & Governance (ERG) Committee

Elections, Representation, & Governance (ERG) Committee

Chair: Kim Gonzalez (kimgonz@umd.edu)
Coordinator: Rebecca Riley (rlriley@umd.edu)
Materials (for committee members only)

The Elections, Representation & Governance (ERG) Committee is responsible for preserving the principles of shared governance for the Senate and the University as a whole. The committee reviews the plans of organization for the colleges, schools, and other units on campus, as well as makes any appropriate recommendations for improvement of the overall operation of the Senate. Additionally, it is the ERG Committee's responsibility to review the apportionments for the various constituencies of the Senate to help ensure a proper balance of representation. All changes to the Senate Bylaws and Plan of Organization must go through the ERG Committee.

The committee consists of an appointed presiding officer; six faculty members; one exempt staff member; one non-exempt staff member; two undergraduate and two graduate students; and representatives of the Director of Human Resources and the Associate Vice President for Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment.

^ Meetings & Agendas

 2024 Fall Semester Meetings
Date Time Location Agenda
2025 Spring Semester Meetings
Date Time Location Agenda

*Please contact the committee coordinator if you would like the link to attend the meeting.

**Meeting canceled**

Committee Work
Doc No
NameCurrent StatusUnder Review By
19-20-15Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) Senate RepresentationUnder ReviewElections, Representation, & Governance (ERG) Committee
13-14-37Revisions to the School of Public Health (SPHL) Plan of OrganizationUnder ReviewElections, Representation, & Governance (ERG) Committee

Past Committee Work

Committee Members

Adesina, JanetGraduate StudentARCHjadesin1@umd.edu2025
Brown, PaulFacultyPLCYpbrown15@umd.edu2025
Conrad, SophiaUndergraduate StudentSPHLsconrad@terpmail.umd.edu2025
Crocker, JonFacultyBMGTjcrocker@umd.edu2025
Gonzalez, KimChairBMGTkimgonz@umd.edu2025
Kish, LianExempt StaffBMGTlkish@umd.edu2025
Krishnamurti, SurajGraduate StudentENGRskmurti@umd.edu2025
O'Rourke, PollyFacultyINFOporourke@umd.edu2025
Phillips, PamelaEx-Officio - Associate VP IRPA RepSVPAAPpphillip@umd.edu2025
Reynoso, MadeleineUndergraduate StudentBSOSmreynos1@terpmail.umd.edu2025