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The University Senate has established several standing committees to help address the concerns of the various constituencies in the campus community. These committees formulate and review policies to be established by the Senate, review established policies and their administration and recommend any changes that may be desirable. They also serve in an advisory capacity and as a board of appeal. The standing committees are an invaluable resource as well as a conduit for addressing potential issues on campus.

Standing Committees

The Academic Procedures & Standards (APAS) Committee reviews a range of policies related to admissions, dismissal, advising, registration, and how classes are conducted.

Academic Procedures & Standards (APAS) Committee

The Campus Affairs Committee oversees the policies, concerns, and issues that affect the entire campus. The committee reviews and creates policies and procedures to protect the campus community in both external relationships, as well as internal operations.

Campus Affairs Committee

The Educational Affairs Committee reviews policies and initiatives intended to enhance the University’s educational system.

Educational Affairs Committee

The Elections, Representation, & Governance (ERG) Committee is responsible for preserving the principles of shared governance for the Senate and the University as a whole. The committee reviews the plans of organization for the colleges, schools, and other units on campus, as well as makes any appropriate recommendations for improvement of the overall operation of the Senate.

Elections, Representation, & Governance (ERG) Committee

The Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Committee supports the efforts of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion by actively promoting an equitable, diverse, and inclusive campus that is free from all forms of discrimination. The committee formulates and reviews policies and procedures pertaining to issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion, including policies on non-discrimination and accessibility.

Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Committee

The Faculty Affairs Committee reviews policies pertaining to faculty members' campus life for necessary editions and amendments, in addition to creating new protections for faculty.

Faculty Affairs Committee

The Programs, Curricula, & Courses (PCC) Committee evaluates and reviews policies and proposals concerning modifications to academic programs, curricula, and courses.

Programs, Curricula, & Courses (PCC) Committee

The Staff Affairs Committee formulates and reviews campus policies affecting staff members, including policies regarding periodic review of campus departments and administrators that employ staff members.

Staff Affairs Committee

The Student Affairs Committee evaluates current policies for non-academic matters of student life, as well as proposing new policies to better adjust to the ever-changing nature of student life in the campus community.

Student Affairs Committee

The Student Conduct Committee (SCC) is responsible for creating and reviewing recommendations concerning the rules and codes of student conduct, as well as means of enforcing those rules and codes. The committee acts as an appellate body for infractions of the approved Code of Student Conduct and Code of Academic Integrity.

Student Conduct Committee (SCC)

Elected Committees

The Committee on Committees is responsible for the identification and recruitment of individuals for service on Senate, University, and System committees and councils. The committee is also responsible for the ongoing assessment of the effectiveness of committees.

Committee on Committees

The Nominations Committee solicits nominations from the membership of the Senate for the Executive Committee, Chair-Elect, the Committee on Committees, and other University committees and councils.

Nominations Committee

The Senate Executive Committee (SEC) is responsible for carrying into effect the actions of the Senate. The major responsibilities of the SEC include acting as an initiating body suggesting possible action by the Senate, reporting to the Senate on administrative implementation of policies adopted by the Senate, and serving as a channel through which any member of the campus community may introduce matters for consideration by the Senate or its committees.

Senate Executive Committee (SEC)

The Special Committee on University Finance (SCUF) is a new venture for the University Senate that was approved by President Loh in April 2019. This body gives the campus community a unique opportunity to engage directly with the administration and have an impact on the direction of the University. SCUF is charged with advising the administration on institutional priorities and with educating the Senate and the campus community on the University’s budget and the budget process.

Special Committee on University Finance (SCUF)
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