March 8, 2012 Meeting
3:15 PM
Atrium of the Stamp Student Union
Click on Links below to view supporting documents.
- Call to Order
- Approval of the December 8, 2011, Senate Minutes (Action)
- Report of the Chair
- Faculty Satisfaction with Student Academic Dishonesty Honor Review Procedures (Senate Doc. No. 10-11-59) (Information)
- Proposal to Retain "Clear and Convincing Evidence" as the Evidentiary Standard in Sexual Harassment Cases (Senate Doc. No. 11-12-09) (Information)
- PCC Proposal to Change the Name of the PhD in Public and Community Health to Behavioral and Community Health (Senate Doc. No. 11-12-25) (Action)
- PCC Proposal to Establish a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Principles of Public Health (Senate Doc. No. 11-12-26) (Action)
- PCC Proposal to Establish a Master of Public Health in Public Health Practice and Policy (Senate Doc. No. 11-12-29) (Action)
- Policies on the Employment of Adjunct Faculty - Report (Senate Doc. No. 11-12-06) (Action)
- Activation of the USM Clinical Faculty Titles (Senate Doc. No. 11-12-20) (Action)
- Title Updates in the Senate Bylaws - Report (Senate Doc. No. 11-12-08) (Action)
- New Business
- Adjournment