April 29, 2010 Meeting
0200 Skinner Hall
(*Note new time & location this semester)
Click on the "Red Text" Links below to view supporting documents.
- Call to Order
- Approval of the April 22, 2010 Senate Minutes (Action)
- Report of the Chair
- Unfinished Business:
- Reports of Committees:
- Results of the Council of University System Staff Elections 2010 (Senate Document#: 09-10-40) (Information)
- Campus Safety Report 2010 (Senate Document#: 09-10-42) (Information)
- ERG Committee: Plan of Organization for the College of Information Studies (CLIS) (Senate Document#: 07-08-35) (Action)
- PCC Proposal to Merge the Departments of Theatre and Dance into a New School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies (Senate Document#: 09-10-43) (Action)
- PCC Proposal to Merge the B.S. Degree Programs in Dietetics, Food Science, and Nutritional Science into a Single Program Titled "Nutrition and Food Science" (Senate Document#: 09-10-44) (Action)
- PCC Proposal to Merge the Graduate Programs in Food Science and Nutrition into a Single Program Titled "Nutrition and Food Science" (Senate Document#: 09-10-45) (Action)
- PCC Proposal to Establish a Master of Science Degree in Human-Computer Interaction (Senate Document#: 09-10-46) (Action)
- Review of the Faculty Merit Pay Policy (Senate Document#: 09-10-04) (Action)
- Results of the Council of University System Staff Elections 2010 (Senate Document#: 09-10-40) (Information)
- New Business
- Adjournment